Banksia Park Accoyo In Tune ET

“Banksia Park Accoyo In Tune ET” is our full Accoyo Peruvian Male. You will see below in his Pedigree that both his parents were imported from Peru.

”In Tunes” Dam “Intense” is currently an ET Donor Female for Jenny & George Jackson of Banksia Park Alpacas in WA in Australia. Intense currently has over 45 Cria (April 2010).

”In Tunes” Sire “Challenger” (now deceased) was a high impact Stud Male that produced some of the best Cria in Australia. Challenger produced Cria with the SRS type fleece.

We Purchased “In Tune” in October 2006 while visiting the Auzy National that year. We had never seen a Cria with a fleece like “In Tune” was showing at that time. His density and lock structure was just amazing and there was not a Medulated fibre to be seen anywhere on his body, we were truly excited about adding his genetics to our Breeding program.

Intune at 6 months 
Above is a Picture of when we first saw “In Tune” at just 6 months of age and the open fleece 
is what his fleece looked like at that time.

Most Alpaca Breeders at that time (and some even now) had no idea of what this type of fleece could do to a Breeding program.

Typical Intune Head2006 now seems such a long time ago and Tuney’s Cria are finally running around. As at April 2010 none have yet been weaned, but they are looking stunning and Tuney is passing on his fleece type. ”In Tune” has a very distinctive head and he passes this onto his Cria so there is no mistaking his kids at all. We are looking forward to showing some of them this coming Show Season.  The photo to the right is a typical 'In Tune' head shot.“In Tune” has a full ET Brother named “Intrepid” who last season took Supreme at the Perth Royal Show In Australia.  In Tune himself is not a Show animal, but his ability to add length and structure to his Cria is why we bought him.


                                                                                                                                The above picture is of an In Tune Cria at 3 months of age

In Tune's Pedigree:


Sire: SOMERSET ACCOYO CHALLENGER Unreg. Imported (Imp. Peru) Solid White



Dam: SOMERSET ACCOYO INTENSE Unreg. Imported (Imp. Peru) Solid White

In Tune 
The Picture above is “In Tune” in 2009 – You can see how upright he is and at 4 years old he still shows 
no Medulated fibres throughout his fleece.

His Cria all have exceptional conformation and look the part from day one – It is exciting and satisfying to see Cria running around that look like they do knowing it was a long time ago.  Some of Intune's Cria are below, note the Floppy type fleeces that In Tune is Producing, just like his was when he was a Cria.  This is a very strong trait.

Some of Intune's cria