The first question we often get asked by people is "What can you do with an Alpaca?". Besides the pleasure of ownership and being around such beautiful animals, there are lots of things both active and passive you can share with your Alpaca. They are very intelligent animals, respond easily to training and always seem willing to please their owner.
Some of the things that you can do with your Alpaca...
- Companionship: The sheer joy of owning such a delightful amazing creature.
- Training: They are very intelligent animals and respond to all types of training.
- Walking: Why not take your Alpacas down to the river next time you go for a walk.
- Talking: Say good morning to your Alpacas, they just love greeting people.
- Homestays: Imagine having your Alpacas greet guests on the lawn for breakfast.
- Shows: The friendly competition and public profile is great for Alpacas.
- Parades: Alpacas are very popular with parades, and providing they are well trained are excellent crowd animals.
- Public Relations: Try taking your Alpacas to the local shopping mall or school fair.
- Events: ALANZ (Alpaca & Llama Association of New Zealand) run a number of field days, both regionally and nationally and these are a great opportunity to meet other Alpaca people.
- Community Visits: Why not take your Alpaca to a rest home or convalescent hospital and bring some smiles to those who may appreciate some company with a difference.
- Prestige: Alpacas are rare and very few people own them.
- Wear their Fibre: Called the Fibre of the Gods, Alpaca Fibre makes amazing garments.
- Guard Dogs; Alpacas will warn you if a stranger, or stray dog comes on to your property.
- Watch them Play: In the late evening the young animals will play for a couple of hours.
- Fibre: Alpacas have wonderful strong and light fibre in a variety of 22 Natural colours which is keenly sought by spinners and weavers.
- Weed Eaters: Alpacas just love eating weeds, particularly thistles, dandelions etc., Great for tidying up these weedy patches.
Wonderful Pets: Alpacas are just delightful with young children, making them one of the most desirable pets.
- Compost Producers: Alpaca-poo! Makes an excellent compost and breaks down to a fine humus once rotted into the garden.
- Grooming: This can be a great interactive experience for both Alpacas and you to enjoy.
- Swimming: Yes, Alpacas love water so next time you go to the beach or the river then take your Alpaca with you so they can paddle along the water's edge.
- Breeding: What could be nicer than raising beautiful baby Alpacas, the babies are called Crias.
- Lifestyle: Alpacas are ideally suited to small lifestyle blocks, you can run 7 to 8 to the acre.
- Promotions: Alpacas attract crowds, so if you have a product to promote use your Alpaca.
- Exotic: Have the pleasure of owning something exotic and a little different.
- Investment: Alpacas are a sound investment with prices continuing to reach record levels.
"Alpacas are the Loveable and Huggable Investment"